Referred Articles (Portuguese)

The publications below are referred to in our Code of Criminal Procedure Commented in the relevant legal provisions.

Ada Pellegrini Grinover:  Ethics, abuse  of process and resistance to judicial orders: the contempt of court .

Ada Pellegrini Grinover:  writ of mandamus against criminal jurisdictional act .

Ada Pellegrini Grinover:  The model code of criminal procedure for Ibero-America 10 years  later.

Adilson Abreu Dallari: Forum by prerogative of function — in practice, the theory is different . Conjure 

Adriano Gouveia Lima :  The breach of impartiality as a basis for an exception of suspicion .  Legal Scope

Affonso Celso Pupe da Silveira Neto:  Relevant aspects regarding the recognition of persons or things according to the Criminal Procedure Code and its practical application .

Afrânio Silva Jardim: The North American influence on Latin criminal procedural systems – by Afrânio Silva Jardim . Emporium of Law. 

Afrânio Silva Jardim:  Two texts against the undue and inconvenient importation of North American criminal procedural institutes. . Emporium of law.  

Afrânio Silva Jardim:  Two texts against the undue and inconvenient importation of North American criminal procedural institutes. . Emporium of law.  

Afrânio Silva Jardim:  Freedom of the press. There can be no absolute rights in a true Democratic State of Law. Emporium of law.  

Afrânio Silva Jardim:  Guarantee in criminal proceedings:  a brief and partial reflection .

Afrânio Silva Jardim:  The principle of real truth in criminal proceedings: a necessary explanation .  Emporium of law.

Afrânio Silva Jardim:  The principle in “dubio pro societate”: the great and common mistake. Emporium of law.  

Afrânio Silva Jardim:  Adversarial procedural system, impartiality of judges and rule of law. Reflections.  . Emporium of law.

Afrânio Silva Jardim:  STF cannot assume a legislator role and change the moment of execution of the sentence . Conjure

Alana Stefanello Gonçalves:  Assessment of evidence in criminal proceedings: applicability of the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt in Brazilian law . Federal university of Bahia.

Aldo de Campos Costa:  Anonymous complaint has limitations to motivate inquiry

Alessandro Cristo, Márcio Chaer. José Joaquim Canotilho: “Problems are in the streets, not in the Constitution ”.  Interview. Conjure

Alesandro Gonçalves Barreto and Marcos Tupinambá Martin Alves Pereira:  Fake news and procedures for removing content

Alesandro Gonçalves Barreto and Marcos Tupinambá Martin Alves Pereira. Fake news  and content removal procedures . Conjure

Alexandra Lemos Ramos:  The principle of open administration versus the principle of personal data protection .

Alexandre Betini:  The locking up of the police investigation .  Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo.

Alexandre de Moraes:  The Indispensable Contribution of José Celso de Mello Filho to the Effectiveness of the Brazilian Constitutional Jurisdiction in Defense of Fundamental Rights . Digital library.

Alexandre de Moraes:  Constitution protects the inviolability of cell phones and computers . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes:  Control of Justice in bills, only in exceptions . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes:  External control of the Judiciary – unconstitutionality . Senate.

Alexandre de Moraes:  Combating Corruption and Respecting the Principle of the Natural Judge as a Constitutional Guarantee . Bdjur.

Alexandre de Moraes:  Constitution protects the inviolability of cell phones and computers . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes:  Choice of STF ministers needs more participation from all powers . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes:  Exceptionality in the renewal of the deadline for wiretapping . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes: Guarantees of the Public Ministry in defense of society . Amps. 

Alexandre de Moraes:  The due process of law and the prohibition of illicit evidence . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes:  Presumption of innocence and judicial effectiveness .  The constitutionalists.

Alexandre de Moraes:  Prerogative of jurisdiction and split of shares . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes:  Fundamental relevance in choosing the member of the STF . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes:  Supreme must decide on judicial supervision in criminal investigations . Conjure

Alexandre de Moraes:  STF and requests for international cooperation in criminal matters . Conjure

Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  The controversy over second-degree appeal reasons . Conjure

Alexandre Morais da Rosa and Fernanda Becker:  Right to translation and interpretation in criminal proceedings . Conjure

Alexandre Morais da Rosa: Not to recognize early prescription in the crime is to throw money away . Conjure 

Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  Don’t be Bobbio: the importance of the legal system . Conjure

Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  For those of you who believe in real truth, a hug . Conjure

Alexandre Morais da Rosa and Fernanda Becker:  Right to translation and interpretation in criminal proceedings . Conjure

Alexandre Wunderlich:  Emergency laws brutally restrict fundamental rights . Conjure

Alice Saldanha Villar:  New STJ Precedent 521 commented

Aline Cardoso dos Santos:  The Federal Supreme Court and the crisis of legitimacy regarding fundamental and social rights in Brazil: the effectiveness of fundamental rights in the fight against slave labor . 2015.

Aline Pinheiro:  Italian Chamber approves project that makes judges responsible . Conjure

Amilcar Fagundes Freitas Macedo. Expansion of the competence of the Military Justice comes at a good time . Conjure

Ana Carollina do Carmo Rodrigues and Carolina Rocha Salviano de Faria:  Criminal law in space: principle of territoriality, extraterritoriality, extradition and effectiveness of foreign sentence applied in Brazil .

Ana Rita dos Santos Correia:  No one is bound to accuse himself of the obligation to deliver documents . 2015

Ana Margarida Pratas Correia Shirley de Oliveira:   The agreement in criminal proceedings – a path already started in Portugal .

Ana Pompeu:  STF only accepts infringing embargoes when two ministers are in favor of the defendant

André Augusto Mendes Machado:  A defensive criminal investigation . USP.

André Callegari:  Authorship and participation in special crimes. The communicability of the elementary circumstances of article 30 of the Penal Code .

Andre Carneiro Leao. International transfer of convicted persons as a result of the principle of human dignity: an analysis based on the Brazilian case . .

André Karam Trindade:  The size of the STJ and the institutionalization of defensive jurisprudence

André Karam Trindade:  Roots of guaranteeism and the thought of Luigi Ferrajoli . Conjure

André Luis Alves de Melo:  Flexibilization of penal action for minor crimes in Europe and rigor in Brazil . Conjure

Andre Luis Callegari. The necessary overcoming of Precedent 691 of the Federal Supreme Court . Conjure

Andre Luis Callegari. The difficult classification of organized crime . Forensic Charter.

Andre Luis Callegari. The injustice of the American model of plea bargaining . Conjure

Andre Luis Callegari. Plea bargaining agreement presupposes respect for the contract . Conjure 

Andre Luis Callegari. How award-winning collaborations are born and how they die . Conjure

André Luís Callegari: Delations, omissions and isonomic behavior . Conjure 

Andre Luis Callegari. Never has the award-winning collaboration law been so debated in the courts . Conjure

Andre Luis Callegari. Possible criminal repercussions of Law 13.506/2017 . Conjure

Andre Luis Callegari. Improper preventive measures violate the Code of Criminal Procedure . Conjure

André Luís Callegari: Uruguayan Preliminary Investigation System: A Brief Legal Exposition . Conjure 

Andre Luis Dornellas Alves:   Collision and weighting between constitutional principles .  E-gov.

Andre Luis Callegari. The injustice of the American model of plea bargaining . Conjure

André Luis Callegari Maiquel and Ângelo Dezordi Wermuth :  “It was in the newspaper”: notes on the contribution of the media to the (ir)rationality of legislative production within the process of expansion of criminal law .

André Turella Carpinelli:  Hate speech and freedom of expression: permission, prohibition and criminalization in the current Western sociopolitical scenario .  University of Lisbon

Andrea Galhardo Palma:  Brief comparative analysis of the models for evaluating and verifying criminal evidence .

Andrea Marighetto. The fulfillment of the duty of good faith in the award-winning collaboration . Conjure

Andrea Marighetto. Apology to the institution of the collaboration agreement and its termination . Conjure

Andrea Marighetto. Pathological aspects of award-winning collaboration agreements . Conjure

Anna Carollyna Barbosa Gomes:  Presumption of innocence and compliance with judgment after delivery of second-degree conviction: Habeas Corpus STF 126.292/SP

Anna Gesteira Bäuerlein Lerche Valsani and Izabella Drumond Matosinhos:  Testimony without damage and the innovations brought by law nº 13.431/2017 .

Anna Mayra Araújo Teófilo and Rômulo Rhemo Palitot Braga:  International criminal cooperation in money laundering crimes .

Antonio Carlos Fonseca da Silva:  The independence of the judiciary . Fundacaopedrojorge.

Antonio Claudio Mariz de Oliveira:  Interview. “Guilt is so embedded in the social soul that there is no room for innocence” By Fernanda Valente Conjure

Antonio Claudio Mariz de Oliveira:  Interview on 04/18/2016  – video.

Antonio Claudio Mariz de Oliveira:  8870 prisoners are waiting for a vacancy in the semi-open in São Paulo .

Antônio Cláudio Mariz de Oliveira and Ives Gandra da Silva Martins:  Early arrest, judicial error in sight in a punitive culture that grows .  Higher School of Police.

Antonio do Passo Cabral:  The minimum amount of civil indemnity established in the criminal conviction: notes on the new art.387, iv of the cpp .

Antônio Martins-Costa and Alexandre Wunderlich:  On the objective criminal liability of business leaders . Conjure

Antonio Sérgio Altieri de Moraes Pitombo:  Habeas corpus, as an effective instrument for the protection of freedom . Crumbs.

Antonio Sérgio Altieri de Moraes Pitombo:  Creating the function of the guarantee judge is to improve the protection of the individual . Crumbs.

Antônio Sérgio A. de Moraes Pitombo:  Sets of rights are disregarded in coercive conducts . Crumbs.

Arnaldo Malheiros Filho:  When the judge becomes an investigator and accuser, we are left with no one to judge us . Conjure

Artur Barros Freitas Osti. Decree of precautionary arrest is unacceptable without prior contradictory . Conjure

Artur Barros Freitas Osti. Telephone interception of dialogue between lawyer and client is illegal .

Artur Barros Freitas Osti and Filipe Maia Broeto Nunes. The illegality of repeated preventive arrests . Conjure 

Augusto Silva Dias:  What criminal law do we Europeans need? . 2006 

Aury Lopes Jr.:  Law 13,491/2017 did much more than remove the military from the jury court . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr:  End of the presumption of innocence by the STF is our legal 7 to 1 . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr:  Do the Inquiry’s nullities and illegalities contaminate the Criminal Procedure?  Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. : We do not realize how primitive and inquisitorial our criminal procedure is . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr:  Do the Inquiry’s nullities and illegalities contaminate the Criminal Procedure?  Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr:  Will they finally comply with art. 212 of the CPP? Now we have the father-court’s word

Aury Lopes Jr: “A la carte” nullity system needs to be overcome in criminal proceedings . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr.:  Jury trial: the problematic appeal of article 593, III, ‘d’ of the CPP . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr:  General Theory of the Process is harmful for the good health of the Criminal Procedure . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  Public agent who does what he cannot gives rise to impunity . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  Will Lewandowski’s decision put an end to the “Brazilian-style whistleblowing” spree? Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  With award-winning delation and negotiated penalty, Criminal Law is also jet-washed . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr and Alexandre Morais da Rosa: Validity criteria for searching the prisoner’s cell phone (WhatsApp)

Aury Lopes Jr and Alexandre Morais da Rosa: (un)conscious contamination of the judge and physical exclusion from the investigation

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  Discover the rhetorical pedaling of in dubio pro societate . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa: (Un)conscious contamination of the judge and physical exclusion from the investigation . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  Delation cannot be terminated unilaterally at the whim of the State . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  Understand the non-approval of the delation by Minister Lewandowski (Pet. 7.256/DF) . Conjure

Aury Lopes jr and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  Understand the judgment of the Supreme Court and the restriction of the prerogative of function

Aury Lopes Jr and Alexandre Morais da Rosa: New Code of Criminal Procedure is necessary, but not just any . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa :  There is no intuitive flagrant: evidence is needed . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  The Case of Former President Michel Temer and the Distortion of Pretrial Prison . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  The pre-fixed delation scene game . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  When the judge treats the Public Ministry as incapable or incompetent . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr and Alexandre Morais da Rosa: When the award-winning delation works like a mud machine . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa: Appropriate appeal when the judge grants freedom in the custody hearing . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa:  On the use of the evidentiary standard in criminal proceedings . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr and Alexandre Morais da Rosa: One of the topics you need to know for criminal proceedings in 2015 . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa and Philipe Benoni Melo e Silva:  The notion of a “golden parachute” must be included in the winning statements . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr and Alexandre Morais da Rosa and Philipe Benoni Melo e Silva:  Fake news: a criminal process made of lies 

Aury Lopes Jr., Alexandre Morais da Rosa and Gabriel Bulhões:  Defensive investigation: the power-duty of advocacy and citizenship law . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Alexandre Morais da Rosa and Gabriela Consolaro:  Can the president grant whistleblowers pardons through “grace”?  Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr and Maciel Colli:  The obsolescence of telephone interception in the post-internet era . Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr. and Tiago Bunning Mendes: Application of the new Code of Civil Procedure to criminal proceedings . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr and Caio Paiva. Custody hearing points to civilizing evolution of criminal procedure . Conjure 

Aury Lopes Jr. and Caio Paiva:  Custody hearing and the immediate presentation of the prisoner to the judge: towards the civilizing evolution of the criminal process .

Aury Lopes Jr. and Tiago Bunning Mendes:  Is it absurd to maintain the absence of a double degree of jurisdiction for prosecution?  Conjure

Aury Lopes Jr and Cristina Carla Di Gesu:  False memories and testimonial evidence in criminal proceedings: in search of harm reduction . .

Aury Lopes Jr. and Pedro Zucchetti Filho:  The right of the accused not to attend the personal recognition . Conjure

Bruna Lima:  The witness hearing preceded by the reading of the statement given at the Police Station .  Criminal Science Channel.

Brenno Grillo: American judge points out differences between accusations in Brazil and in the USA . Conjure 

Bruno Barcellos de Almeida:  The valuation of the isolated word of the victim in the Brazilian criminal procedure . Legal Scope

Bruno Bispo de Freitas The Impossibility of Temporary Imprisonment in the Crime of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Substances and Similar Drugs in Face of Law 11.343/06 .  Anadep.

Bruno Carvalho Pereira:  The GPS geolocation system in Portuguese criminal procedure . 2016.

Candido Furtado Maia Neto. Prosecutor or Prosecutor? Human Rights and the Democratic Public Ministry in Brazil .  Anadep.

Camile Eltz de Lima:  The problem of penal detraction in alternative precautionary measures to prison: from gaps to possible discounts .

Candido Furtado Maia Neto. Prosecutor or Prosecutor? Human Rights and the Democratic Public Ministry in Brazil .  Anadep.

Carla Veríssimo de Carli:  Award-winning statement in Brazil: what exactly are we talking about?  Infolaw.

Carlos Bastide Horbach:  What criteria should guide the choices for the US Supreme Court?  The constitutionalists.

Carlos Eduardo Rios do Amaral. Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry .  Anadep.

Carlos Eduardo Rios do Amaral:  From genetic profile collection as a form of criminal identification .  Anadep.

Carlos Eduardo Thompson Flores Lenz:  Full defense and criminal procedure .

Carlos Eduardo Thompson Flores Lenz:  New Criminal Issues . Telephone tapping in criminal proceedings.

Carlos Renan Rodrigues da Silveira:  The protection of the right to a fair trial in criminal matters: an approach to the guarantees that make up the right to a fair trial from a perspective based on international law .  University of Lisbon

Catarina Sengo Furtado:  The criminal law of the enemy in the anti-terrorism law: the crime of recruitment .  Law School. University of Lisbon.

Celso de Mello:  Interviewed by Mônica Bergamo. Never before has the media been so ostensible as to overwhelm a judge . The constitutionalists.

Celso de Mello:  State parliamentary investigation: the special commissions of inquiry .

César Caputo Guimarães:  Can parliamentarians be punished for expressing an opinion? No. _ 

Celso Luiz Limongi: The function of the judge is to interpret and apply the law, all in a single operation . Conjure 

Celso Luiz Limongi. Interview : “ It is easier to raise a building than to judge an action ”.  Conjure

Celso Luiz Limongi. Slowness of Justice cannot be resolved with more judges . Conjure

Celso Luiz Limongi. The New Civil Procedure Code and its influence on criminal procedure . Crumbs.

Celso Luiz Limongi. The Judge and Courage . Crumbs.

Celso Luiz Limongi: Priscyla Costa and Rodrigo Haidar interview .  Conjure

Celso Luiz Limongi. Suppressing rights does not contribute to reducing violence . Conjure

Cezar Peluso,  retired minister of the STF,  interview by Carlos Costa . Conjure

Cezar Roberto Bitencourt:  Award-winning delation is a legal but unethical favor . Conjure

Cezar Roberto Bitencourt :  The Federal Police has legitimacy to preside over a plea bargain . Conjure

Christiano Leonardo Gonzaga Gomes:  The protection of telematic communication and terrorism: do we need new legislation or is Law n. 9,296/96?

Cirilo Augusto Vargas. The “dynamic” perspective of the adversarial principle .  Anadep.

Cláudia Cruz Santos:  Domestic violence and penal mediation: a possible coexistence? . 

Cláudia Regina Miranda de Freitas:  The female prison: from the beginning to the recent modifications introduced by the penal execution law . .

Cláudio Colnago:  The Brazilian Paradox of Intolerance .  The constitutionalists.

Cláudio Macedo de Souza:  International criminal cooperation: a methodology  based on the definition of transnational organized crime . Brazilian Journal of International Law.

Cleide Pereira da Silva:  The public ministry in the democratic rule of law .

Conrado Hübner Mendes:  STF, illusionist vanguard .  The constitutionalists.

Damásio de Jesus:  To Be a Judge by Law . Legal Content.

Damásio de Jesus:  Investigative Powers of the Public Ministry . Legal Content.

Damásio de Jesus:  The principle of the presumption of innocence . Legal Content.

Daniel Diamantaras de Figueiredo:  The right of the accused to confront prosecution witnesses in the production of criminal evidence .  Law School. University of Lisbon.

Daniel Silva Achutti:  Restorative Justice and Penal Abolitionism: contributions to a new model of conflict management in Brazil . .

Danni Sales Silva:  Negotiated criminal justice . University of Lisbon. Law School.

Daniella Andrade Girardi:  Controversies about the (i) legitimacy of the stf to issue decisions with a character of constitutional mutation .

Daniel Diamantaras de Figueiredo:  The right of the accused to confront prosecution witnesses in the production of criminal evidence .  University of Lisbon.

Daniel Gerber:  Homologation of a plea agreement generates expectation of rights . Conjure

Danni Sales Silva:  Negotiated criminal justice . University of Lisbon. Law School.

Davi Tangerino:  The crimes of AraraquaraGate: part I, the hackers.  Conjure

Débora Pastana:  Authoritarian criminal justice and the consolidation  of the punitive state in Brazil .

Demócrito Reinaldo Filho:  Electronic communication of procedural acts in Law 11,419/06 . Crumbs.

Dias Toffoli:  The AGU in defense of the State and the citizen . Conjure

Dierle Nunes and Marina Carvalho Freitas:  The STJ and the need for means to overcome precedents . Conjure

Dimitri Dimoulis and Soraya Lunardi:  The power of those who define the STF agenda .  The constitutionalists.

Douglas Fischer:  The Oral Argument Order in Criminal Proceedings Before the Courts .

Douglas Fischer:  What is integral guaranteeism . TRF4 Doctrine Magazine.

Douglas Rodrigues da Silva:  Controlled action or prepared flagrante delicto?  Criminal Science Channel.

Edilson Mougenot Bonfim:  Misunderstanding the Law Can Bring Impunity . Conjure

Eduardo Cambi. The right to evidence in civil proceedings . br.

Eduardo Demetrio Crespo:  From liberal criminal law to enemy criminal law . .

Eduardo Henrique Alferes:  Criminal identification and criminal data . Legal Scope.

Eduardo Luiz Santos Cabette. Obtuse flagrante delicto or the pretense that the chief of police draw up a non-arrest report in flagrante delicto in any case of conduction of a captured person .  Legal Scope.

Eduardo Luiz Santos Cabette:  Investigation of data, information, records and signals. Law 13.344/16 on human trafficking . Legal Scope.

Eduardo Luiz Santos Cabette:  The new crime of Computer Device Invasion . Conjure

Eduardo Luiz Santos Cabette:  Relativizing Torture or the Return of Barbarism . Legal Content.

Eduardo Luiz Santos Cabette and Francisco Sannini Neto: The Public Ministry is not a body devoted to criminal investigation . Conjure 

Eduardo Samoel Fonseca:  Verdade Real has served as a kind of wildcard in the procedural game . Conjure

Eliane Alfradique:  Procedural and medical-legal aspects of the corpus delicti examination and expertise in general .

Elias Mattar Assad:  Procedural delinquency.

Eloísa Machado de Almeida:  STF decision on forum leaves endless list of doubts .  The constitutionalists.

Ericson M. Scorsim:  The issue of WhatsApp encryption: judgment of the case by the STF from the perspective of communications security .  Crumbs.

Eros Roberto Grau:  In defense of legal positivism . The constitutionalists.

Evandro Lins e Silva at the Jury:  Oral support at the Jury Court. Dock Street case – video.

Fábio Bittencourt da Rosa: Necessary limits to the power of the STF . Living Space.

Fabio Bittencourt da Rosa. Forum privilege: summary or constitutional amendment?  Living Space. 

Fabio Lobosco :  The legal inconsistency of the indictment in a crime of lesser offensive potential . Crumbs.

Fábio Konder Comparato:  The Judiciary in Brazil .

Fábio Martins de Andrade :  Critical contributions on the current mode of operation of the Supreme Court . Conjure

Fábio Rodrigues Franco Lim and Flavio Fenoglio Guimarães:  Drug debate demands integration, not decriminalization or punishment . Higher School of Police.

Fabrício Meira Macêdo:  Prison and other precautionary measures in criminal proceedings in the light of the constitution: a Portuguese-Brazilian approach to the motivation of judicial decisions from the perspective of the prohibition of excess and prohibition of insufficiency .

Fátima Nancy Andrighi:  Ethics in the Judiciary .

Fátima Nancy Andrighi:  My pre-understanding of the act of judging .

Fátima Nancy Andrighi:  Violence against women .

Felipe Luchete:  Council changes rule that allowed the Public Prosecution Service to forgive those who confess . Conjure

Felipe Michelin Fortes and Suelen Michelin Fortes:  Jury Court – Positions and Dispositions . Legal Scope.

Felipe Oliveira Freitas:  The contradictory and full defense in investigative procedures at the headquarters of the judicial police . Legal Scope.

Fernanda Valente: “ Guilt is so embedded in the social soul that there is no room for innocence ” . Interview with Antonio Cláudio Mariz de Oliveira. Conjure

Fernando Augusto Fernandes: Some criminal aspects of asset repatriation . 

Fernando Augusto Fernandes:  DNA registration is not enough without a project to identify weapons and projectiles . Conjure

Fernando Augusto Fernandes:  Special testimonial: effectiveness and compatibility as a means of producing evidence.

Fernando Augusto Fernandes:  Releasing the use of illicit evidence would be to create proportional unconstitutionality . Conjure

Fernando Augusto Fernandes:  Far from being diminished or extirpated, the fifth constitutional must be celebrated . Conjure

Fernando Augusto Fernandes:  Precautionary house arrest should be deducted from the sentence .

Fernando Lottenberg and Rony Vainzof:  Hate speech, social networks and the Marco Civil da Internet . Conjure

Fernando Lottenberg and Rony Vainzof:  Hate speech, social networks and the Marco Civil da Internet . Conjure

Felipe Luchete:  Council changes rule that allowed the Public Prosecution Service to forgive those who confess . Conjure

Fernando Martines . WhatsApp’s refusal to collaborate with Justice bothers law professionals . Conjure

Fernando Martines:  “STF is the safeguard of democracy and must be defended”, says Dias Toffoli . Conjure

Felipe Michelin Fortes, Suelen Michelin Fortes. Jury Court – Positions and Provisions .  Legal Scope.

Filipa Luísa Ribeiro da Cruz Pereira:  The role of the victim in Portuguese criminal procedure .

Fillipe Azevedo Rodrigues and Kathy Aline de Medeiros Silva:  International legal cooperation in criminal matters and the effectiveness of criminal protection in economic systems .

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  The fable of equality in the criminal process . Conjure

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Criminal Procedural Law. Historical aspects. Concept. Fundamental and Complementary. Flavio Meirelles Medeiros: Denominations. Instrumentality .  Law Pages.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Criminal Procedural Law as a branch of Public Law .  Law Pages.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Conviction with doubtful evidence results in the accused’s right to a new trial by the jury . Jusbrasil.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Criticism of the gross error doctrine in criminal resources . Jusbrasil.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Criminal Procedural Law. Necessity and Importance. Autonomy. Purpose .  Legal Scope.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Motion for clarification in motion for clarification in criminal proceedings.  Jusbrasil.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Unconstitutionality and illegality of the MP’s opinion on appeals and in the strict sense . Jusbrasil.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Necessity of Law and meanings of this expression . Legal Scope.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  In criminal proceedings, conviction, evidence and evidence are different things .  Conjure

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Nullity and proof of harm .  Jusbrasil Magazine.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  The Operator of Law, Justice and the Crowd . Jusbrasil.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  The criminal defender never misses the truth . Jusbrasil.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  The interrogation must be at the end of the instruction also in special procedures .  Jusbrasil.

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Public Ministry. Part or fiscal of the law?  Jusbrasil Magazine.

Meirelles Medeiros. Flavio and Luciano, Pablo Bezerra: Subsidiary complaint and control of filing inquiries at the STF. Conjure

Flavio Meirelles Medeiros:  Refuting the three main foundations of the thesis of the legality of the provisional execution . Jusbrasil.

Francine Nunes Arantes:  Consensual justice and the efficiency of criminal proceedings .

Francisco Dirceu Barros: Complete study of the criminal non-prosecution agreement and the new criminal investigation procedure . genjurí 

Francisco Firmo Barreto de Araújo:  The contradictory in the police investigation and the role of the public defender .  University of Fortaleza.

Francisco S. Neto:  Virtual agent infiltration is a breakthrough in special criminal investigation techniques .  Criminal Science Channel.

Francisco S. Neto :  Law 12.850/13, controlled action and criminal organizations . Conjure

Francisco Sanninni Neto:  arrest in flagrante delicto and the drug user .  Higher School of Police.

Francisco Sannini Neto and Henrique Hoffmann: Award-winning collaboration must have the participation of the judicial police . Conjure 

Francisco Sannini Neto: Phone tapping does not require a court order . Conjure 

Francisco Sannini Neto:  Indictment: private act of the chief of police .

Francisco Sannini Neto:  Police indictment and its consequences . Criminal Science Channel  .

Franklyn Roger Alves Silva:  The principle of correlation in criminal proceedings in the light of law n. 11,719/08 . .

Gabriel Bertin:  STJ jurisprudence on the responsibility of administrators for tax debts and the formation of the passive pole of criminal actions in tax crimes.

Gabriel Andrade de Santana and João Daniel Jacobina Brandão de Carvalho:  Judges cannot question the relevance of defense witnesses . Conjure

Geraldo Assunção Alves de Brito and Júlio Zini:  Application of the principle of extraterritoriality in crimes of pedophilia .

Geraldo Lopes Pereira. Possibility of replacing the custodial sentence with one restricting rights in trafficking .  Anadep. 

Geraldo Prado:  Opinion.  Flanelinhas and collective habeas corpus.  Emporium of law.

Gerivaldo Neiva. No prisoner is normal and what was is no longer .  Jusbrasil.

Gerson Faustino Rosa :  International Criminal Court and its repercussion in the national legal system .

Gilmar Mendes:  Aspects of the declaration of unconstitutionality of normative acts .

Gilmar Mendes:  The constitutional doctrine and the control of constitutionality as a guarantee  of citizenship .

Gilmar Mendes:  Immutable clauses or guarantees of eternity. Legal possibility of its overcoming .

Gilmar Mendes:  Collision of fundamental rights: freedom of expression and communication and the right to honor and image .

Gilmar Mendes:  Contrary to the Constitution and extraordinary appeal: unexplored aspects .

Gilmar Mendes:  Criteria for the rational evaluation of the test and probative standard for pronunciation by the jury . Conjure

Gilmar Mendes:  In defense of habeas corpus .  The constitutionalists.

Gilmar Mendes:  Constitutional Interpretation .

Gilmar Mendes:  Limitations of revision: stony clauses or guarantees of eternity – legal possibility of overcoming them

Gilmar Mendes:  Fundamental rights and their multiple meanings in the constitutional order .

Gilmar Mendes:  Public Safety and Criminal Justice .  The constitutionalists.

Gilmar Mendes:  Meaning of the right of defense .

Gilmar Mendes:  Banking secrecy, the right to self-determination over information and the principle of proportionality .

Gilmar Mendes:  Subversion of the Judiciary Hierarchy .

Giovani Bavaresco and Ruchester Marreiros Barbosa:  Delegate must enforce the guarantee of defense in the criminal investigation .  Higher School of Police.

Gisela Gondin Ramos:  The early burial of the CNJ .  The constitutionalists.

Glaucia Maria Pontes Mouzinho:  About the guilty and the innocent: the process of crimination and incrimination by the Brazilian federal public ministry .

Guilherme Augusto Cruz Andrade:  Analysis of the requirements and assumptions of preventive detention in the light of the Federal Constitution.  Legal Scope.

Guilherme Nucci:  The generic accusation and its effective limits

Guilherme Nucci:  The analysis of the defendant’s personality in the application of the sentence .

Guilherme Nucci:  Denunciation in criminal proceedings .  Higher School of Police

Guilherme Nucci:  The reasonable duration of precautionary imprisonment and the effectiveness of provisional release .

Guilherme Nucci:  The decision of the STF regarding the fulfillment of the sentence after the judgment of the 2nd degree of jurisdiction and the presumption of innocence .

Guilherme Nucci:  The Drug of the Drug Law .

Guilherme Nucci:  Listening, special testimony and the new crime of violation of procedural secrecy . Guilhermenucci.

Guilheme Nucci:  The grounds for the sentence .  Higher School of Police.

Guilherme Nucci:  Bad Faith in Criminal Procedure in Harmony with the New CPC .

Guilherme Nucci:  The precautionary prison and the guarantee of public order .

Guilherme Nucci:  The precautionary prison and the Federal Constitution of 1988 .

Guilherme Nucci:  The Reform of Criminal Procedure and the Consecration of Orality .

Guilherme Nucci:  Criminal procedural inequalities in Brazil .

Guilherme Nucci:  The precautionary prisons and the procedural reform of 2008 .

Guilherme Nucci:  Controlled Action Makes Organized Crime Activity Difficult .

Guilherme Nucci:  Ample defense, celerity and impunity .

Guilherme Nucci:  Award-winning collaboration: are there limits to the award?  .

Guilherme Nucci:  Coercive conduct and the judgment of the Federal Supreme Court: the Manichaean confrontation .

Guilherme Nucci:  Body of Crime and Examination of the Body of Crime .

Guilherme Nucci:  Are there any limits for awarding the award-winning collaboration?

Guilherme Nucci:  Extensive interpretation, analogical interpretation and analogy in criminal procedure .

Guilherme Nucci:  Interrogation by videoconference and ample defense .

Guilherme Nucci: Provisional release: truths and myths . 

Guilherme Nucci:  The STF was late, but it did not fail: a criminal fine must be enforced by the Public Ministry .

Guilherme Nucci:  The Myths of the Custody Hearing .

Guilherme Nucci:  Criminal Organization .

Guilherme Nucci:  Presumption of guilt, anticipated penalty and paradigm of illegality: the antitheses of the Democratic State of Law .

Guilherme Nucci :  Pretrial detention is not a criminal sanction .

Guilherme Nucci:  Why so many precautionary arrests in Brazil?

Guilherme Nucci :  Pretrial detention is not a criminal sanction .

Guilherme Nucci:  Provisional arrest and plea bargain: compatible?

Guilherme Nucci:  Criminal review, judicial error and res judicata

Guilherme Nucci:  Public safety: everyone’s duty .

Guilherme Nucci:  Domestic violence: a serious matter treated irresponsibly in Brazil .

Gustave LeBon. Crowd psychology.  Delraux.

Gustavo Badaró:  The search for truth in criminal proceedings and its limits: still and always the problem of the duration of telephone interception . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  The guarantee of the natural judge and the incident of displacement of competence to the Federal Justice, in case of serious violation of human rights . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Pretrial detention and the principle of proportionality . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  The judge’s physical identity rule in the reform of the criminal procedure code Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  The new alternative precautionary measures to prison and the alleged general power of precaution in criminal proceedings: the impossibility of enacting atypical measures . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  The conditions of penal action . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Proposals to change the regime of illegal evidence in criminal proceedings . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Custody hearing in Rio de Janeiro has three worrying aspects . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Correlation between accusation and sentence: rereading of the mendatio libelli in the light of the contradictory on questions of law, in the new Code of Civil Procedure . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  On the Inadmissibility of Alternative Imputation in Brazilian Criminal Procedure . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Right to proof and the logical limits of its admission: the concepts of pertinence and relevance . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Right to trial by an impartial judge: how to ensure objective impartiality in the judge in systems where there is no function of the guarantee judge . Badaroadvogados .

Gustavo Badaró:  On the so-called “Final release of tax credit” and its effects on criminal proceedings for the crime of tax evasion . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  It is reckless to admit that the STF can “create” a new concept of final and unappealable decision . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  In case of a tie, innocence must be assured . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Interception of Telephone and Telematic Communications: Limits to the Advancement of Technology . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró :  Money laundering: the concept of indirect product of the antecedent criminal offense in the crime of money laundering Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Limits of what was agreed upon in the Awarded Collaboration: can the Public Prosecutor’s Office fix penalties or grant pardon?  Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  The burden of proof in Habeas Corpus: in dubio pro libertate . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  The Probationary Value of the Winning Delation: on § 16 of art. 4 of Law No. 12.850/13 . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  Prison in flagrante delicto and provisional freedom in the Code of Criminal Procedure: origins, changes and future of a complicated relationship . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró: Evidence borrowed in criminal proceedings and the use of elements collected in Parliamentary Commissions of Inquiry . Badaroadvogados. 

Gustavo Badaró:  STJ errs in demanding power of attorney in the Habeas Corpus appeal . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo Badaró:  A new grievance against a decision that does not allow special and extraordinary appeals in criminal proceedings? – reflections of Law No. 12,322, of September 9, 2010, on criminal proceedings . Badaroadvogados.

Gustavo de Mattos Brentano:  The application of the principle of insignificance by the Chief of Police . Criminal Science Channel.

Gustavo de Mattos Brentano:  detailed term and the police indictment . Criminal Science Channel.

Gustavo Noronha de Ávila and Gabriel José Chittó Gauer and Luiz Alberto Brasil Simões Pires Filho:  “False” memories and criminal proceedings: (re)discussing the role of the witness . .

Helom César da Silva Nunes. The public defender’s seat as evidence of the Democratic Justice System . Anadep.

Henrique Bonatti Rego Barbosa:  The teaching of law in Brazil and Portugal and its consequences: a comparative analysis of the contemporary scenario .

Henrique Guerra Tavares Gomes:  The question of the imprescriptibility of criminal procedure in international law . 

Henrique Hoffmann Monteiro de Castro: Human Trafficking Law brings advances and causes perplexity . Conjure 

Henrique Hoffmann Monteiro de Castro:  Delegate can and should apply exclusions of illegality and culpability . Higher School of Police.

Henrique Hoffmann Monteiro de Castro:  Immovability is the delegate’s prerogative and the citizen’s guarantee .  Higher School of Police.

Henrique Hoffmann Monteiro de Castro: Law 13.441/17 instituted virtual police infiltration . Conjure 

Henrique Hoffmann Monteiro de Castro:  Mere informativeness”  of the police investigation is a myth . Conjure 

Henrique Hoffmann Monteiro de Castro:  The Judiciary Police’s mission is to seek the truth and guarantee fundamental rights .  Higher School of Police .

Henrique Hoffmann Monteiro de Castro:  Requesting data is essential in the delegate’s search for the truth . Higher School of Police.

Henrique Hoffmann and Adriano Sousa Costa:  Deadline for completion of the investigation exists for the protection of the suspect . Conjure

Henrique Hoffmann and André Nicolitt:  Criminal investigation by the Public Ministry has limits . Conjure

Henrique Hoffmann and Ruchester Marreiros Barbosa:  Delegates can and should assess the conventionality of laws . Conjure

Hércules Fajoses: Detractor or informer? On the threshold of “legally acceptable” . Conjure 

Hugo Nigro Mazzilli:  The nature of the public prosecutor’s functions and their position in criminal proceedings .

Humberto Eustáquio Soares  Martins:  The magistrate’s conduct on social networks .

Humberto Eustáquio Soares Martins:  Independence and Judicial Activism: Current Challenges .

Humberto Eustáquio Soares Martins:  The magistrate’s procedures and ethics .

Iago Oliveira Silva de Sousa:  Some considerations about the deadline for completing the police investigation in cases where the investigated person is temporarily arrested for committing a heinous crime or equivalent . Virtual Notebook.

Ígor Araújo de Arruda: Hearing of criminal instruction without a prosecution body and the “impartial protagonism ”. Anadep. 

Ígor Araújo de Arruda : Absence of a room reserved for a prior interview of the arrested defendant with the Public Defender’s Office: extension of the State of Unconstitutionalities . Legal Scope

Israel Nonato:  When you get stuck, you have to push the Supreme .  The constitutionalists.

Igor Vieira Rios Amorim Farias:  The complementarity regime in the international criminal court .

Inês Miguel Rodrigues de Azevedo Nunes Pires:  The Criminal Law of the European Union .

Ionilton Pereira do Vale:  The Jury Court in the context of Due Process: A critique of the pure Jury Court in comparison with the models of the escabinado and the assessor: Study of the factors that interfere in the judgment and the impartiality of its decisions .

Iverson Kech Ferreira:  The breach of secrecy in the police investigation and the theory of tagging .  Higher School of Police.

Karine Azevedo Egypto Rosa. The scenic layout of courtrooms and Brazilian courts: the unconstitutionality of the prerogative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in criminal proceedings .  Legal scope.

Jader Marques:  There is still a stir about access to the police investigation today . Emporium of law.  Emporium of law.

Jader Gustavo:  Application of the plea bargain in criminal prosecution under Law No. 12,850/2013 .

Jader Marques:  José Roberto Batochio and the criminalization of law. Emporium of law. 

Jayme Walmer de Freitas:  The “cross examination” system in procedural reform .

Jayme Walmer de Freitas:  The constitutionality of art. 492, § 1, of the Code of Criminal Procedure .

Jayme Walmer de Freitas:  Art. 394 of the CPP in view of the special rites, in Law nº 11.719/08 .

Jayme Walmer de Freitas:  Notes on retroactive prescription .

Joana Patrícia Neto Alves:  The maximum duration of the survey . Law School. Coimbra University.

Joao Paulo Oliveira Dias de Carvalho. From the personal subpoena of the defendant to rectify the indication of the testimonial evidence . Anadep. 

João Ozorio de Melo: Study shows why innocent people are sentenced to prison . Conjure 

João Henrique Gomes de Sousa:  Elements for the comparative study of the recognition of people in Criminal Procedure from the standpoint of the trial judge .

Jomar Martins:  Public defender needs specific power of attorney to allege suspicion of judge . Conjure

Jorge Emanuel Mendes Valente Dias:  Considerations on Evidence and Adversary in the Instruction Phase of Criminal Procedure .  Portuguese University.

José Barcelos de Souza. Defense powers in investigation and investigation by the defense .  Crumbs.

José Carlos Abissamra Filho:  Toffoli’s decision in the Coaf case restores institutional and legal security . Conjure

José Carlos Abissamra Filho:  Why do they want the  plea bargain  or the criminal agreement in Brazil?  Conjure

José Carlos Porciúncula:  Unconstitutionalities and dogmatic inconsistencies of the award-winning institute (art. 4 of Law 12.850/13) .

José Fernando Seabra Pulido Neves da Costa:  Criminal law and culture: Criminal responsibility in honor killings .

José Francisco Cagliari:  Evidence in Criminal Procedure .

José Francisco Cagliari:  Evidence in Criminal Procedure .

José Joaquim Canotilho:  “Problems are in the streets, not in the Constitution”. Interview by Alessandro Cristo and Márcio Chaer.  Conjure

José Luis Oliveira Lima:  Some PF efforts look like American movies .

José Luis Oliveira Lima:  Criminal Reflections of the Fiscal War .

José Luis Oliveira Lima:  Banks have the right to question breach of secrecy .

José Luis Oliveira Lima:  Where is the OAB?

José Luis Oliveira Lima:  Current challenges of award-winning whistleblowing .

José Luis Oliveira Lima:  We are already monitored too much .

José Maurício Pinto de Almeida:  Natural substitute judge .

José Miguel Garcia Medina:  Judges’ Crisis of Authority . The constitutionalists.

José Paulo Baltazar Junior:  Evidential standards in criminal proceedings .

José Raimundo Leite Filho:  International corruption, criminal compliance and internal investigations . 2017.

José Roberto Batochio:  Hail, Caesar, those who are going to die salute you!

José Roberto Batochio: Delation should be the starting point, not the beginning, middle and end . Conjure

José Roberto Batochio:  Award-winning delation should be avoided . Conjure

José Roberto Batochio:  Interview about delation  – video.

José Roberto Batochio:  Gilmar Mendes prohibited the State from promoting “lightning kidnapping” . Conjure

José Roberto Batochio:  The whistleblower has become a procedural copy of the whistleblower . Conjure

José Roberto Batochio:  Understanding the Supreme Court and the state of innocence under attack . Conjure

José Roberto Batochio:  Obstruction of justice became a pretext for preemptive arrest . Conjure

José Roberto Batochio:  When there is a tie, acquittal must be decreed . Conjure

José Roberto Batochio:  Oral support at the STF  – video.

Jorge Vicente Silva:  New reading of article 222, §§ 1 and 2 of the CPP .

Karine Azevedo Egypto Rosa. The scenic layout of courtrooms and Brazilian courts: the unconstitutionality of the prerogative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in criminal proceedings .  Legal scope.

Kleudson Moreira Tavares:  Criminal Investigation: The Role of the Defense in the Preliminary Phase of the Criminal Procedure . Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Homeland Security.

Laura Junqueira Braga Rodrigues:  Expansion of the jurisdiction of the Federal Military Court to exercise jurisdictional control over disciplinary punishments applied to members of the Armed Forces .  Legal Scope.

Laís Menna Barreto de Azevedo Silveira :  Application of the new Code of Civil Procedure to criminal proceedings . Conjure

Lauro Thaddeu Gomes:  The position of the victim in the Brazilian criminal procedure .

Lenio Luiz Streck:  2 in 1: The prohibition of the defendant’s silence and the prohibition of overcoming precedents . Conjure

Lenio Luiz Streck. The presumption of innocence and the impossibility of reversing the burden of proof in criminal matters: the State Courts against the STF . CNJ

Lenio Streck:  “Abandoning one’s will to judge is the cost of democracy”. Interview . Conjure

Lenio Luiz Streck: Second-degree decision exhausts the matter of fact? Is it like this in Bhutan?  Conjure

Lenio Luiz Streck:  It is paradoxical for a binding precedent to say that a law is unconstitutional . Conjure

Lenio Luiz Streck: The case of the sheep-eaters and the burden of proof . Conjure 

Lenio Luiz Streck:  The case of the sheep-eaters and the burden of proof . Conjure

Lenio Luiz Streck:  What is activism?  The constitutionalists.

Lenio Luiz Streck:  Arrest them all!  The constitutionalists.

Lenio Luiz Streck: If the Supreme Court must obey the voice of the streets, what is the value of the Constitution?  Conjure 

Lenio Luiz Streck:  Yes, there is a fundamental duty to grant Habeas Corpus ex officio! . Conjure

Lenio Luiz Streck:  An unanswerable question: when is a law (not) clear?  Conjure

Leonardo Isaac Yarochewsky:  The reviewer’s role is clear in the Internal Regulations of the STF . Conjure

Leonardo Isaac Yarochewsky: The influence of the media on society and criminal trials . Conjure 

Leonardo Isaac Yarochewsky:  Drug use is a public health issue . Conjure

Leonardo Isaac Yarochewsky:  Defense does not belong only to the accused, it is in the public interest . Conjure

Leonardo Marcondes Machado:  Special testimonials at the service of punishment generate revictimization .  Higher School of Police.

Leonardo Isaac Yarochewsky:  Like it or not, the state of freedom is the rule and preventive detention the exception . Conjure

Leonardo Isaac Yarochewsky: Country of impunity could reach 1.5 million prisoners in 2025 . Conjure 

Leonardo Isaac Yarochewsky:  Prohibition of coercive measures is a victory for the rule of law . Conjure

Leonardo Marcondes Machado :  The police indictment cannot be a surprise act!  Conjure

Leonor Cacaes Palácios da Silva:  Obtaining evidence on smartphones protected through biometrics (fingerprints) and numerical passwords and the principle of non-self-incrimination . University of Lisbon.

Lidiana Figuerêdo Martins Pinheiro:  The international protection of refugee children’s rights 2015.

Lilian Milnitsky Stein and Maria Salomé Pinho:  Considerations on the testimony of a child/adolescent victim of sexual violence .

Lucas Corrêa Abrantes Pinheiro. The syncretic minimum compensation and violations of due criminal procedure . Anadep.

Lucas Tavares Mourão and Jamile Bergamaschine Mata Says:  Criminal judicial cooperation and regional integration: normative and institutional treatment in the European Union and Mercosur .

Luciano André da Silveira e Silva:  The undercover agent. Comparative study of legislation in Germany, Brazil and Portugal . Coimbra University.

Luciano Ferraz: The fundamental right to a reasonable duration of non-prosecution . Conjure 

Luciano Monti Favaro and Marcos Aurélio Pereira Valadão:  The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the reason for its non-ratification by the Federative Republic of Brazil: a constitutional problem?

Lucio Weber de Abreu:  Five controversial issues in criminal jurisdiction .

Ludmila Antunes Resende:  Summary acquittal in the first phase of the jury . Legal Scope.

Ludmila Mendonça Lopes Ribeiro:  Public Ministry: Old institution with new functions?  Critical Journal of Social Sciences.

Luís Carlos Moro:  Public Ministry accepted to be the voice of hate, but “all we need is law” . Conjure

Luis Felipe Salomão:  I know what you did last summer .  The constitutionalists.

Luiz Armando Badin, Heloisa Estellita, Pierpaolo Cruz Bottini and Celso Sanches Vilardi: Advocacy and money laundering: some misunderstandings need to be cleared up . Conjure 

Luiz Claudio Chauvet:  Brazilian Military Justice . Legal Scope.

Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso:  Does reducing the number of appeals make justice more agile?.  

Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso: Cybercrime: Danger on the Internet! 

Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso: Interview with Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso. Award-winning award.  Crumbs. – video.

Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso: Interview with Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso . Award-winning award.  Crumbs. – video.

Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso: In defense of the constitutional fifth . 

Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso:  “ Nudes” on the internet – A dead end .

Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso:  Prerogatives of the lawyer in the digital age .

Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso:  Proposals for the Police Inquiry .

Luiz Flávio Gomes: Penal reform repeats common punitive populism in Brazil . Conjure 

Luiz Flávio Gomes and Silvio Maciel. Prescription counting during the suspension of the process: summary 415 of the STJ . Crumbs.

Luiz Guilherme Marinoni:  Fundamental right to reasonable duration of proceedings . .

Luiz Melíbio Uiraçaba Machado : evolution of the criminal procedure code: round table at the 1st seminar on institutional memory policy and historiography. .

Luiz Olavo Baptista::  The Federal Constitution and the Bar Examination .  The constitutionalists.

Luiza Farias Martins:  The “informant for good” (whistleblower) in the government’s “anti-crime” project . Conjure

Lydie Jorge Batista:  Malware as a means of obtaining evidence in criminal proceedings .  Law School. University of Lisbon. 

Maíra Fernandes:  Supreme selectivity .  The constitutionalists.

Malu Delgado :  What to expect from Dias Toffoli . The constitutionalists.

Mara Érica Rupia Lopes:  Data protection and geolocation mechanisms .  Law School. University of Lisbon.

Marcelo Almeida Ruivo:  The legal interest of the crime of passive corruption in the public sector .

Marcelo Casseb Continentino:  The problem of excessive doctrinal citations in the STF .  The constitutionalists.

Marcelo Semer:  It is possible to democratize appointments to the STF .  The constitutionalists.

Marcelo Galli:  Judicial activism is dangerous and causes insecurity , interview with Minister Antonio Saldanha Palheiro . Conjure

Marcelo Galli :  Code of Criminal Procedure has become legal Frankenstein, says lawyer . Conjure

Marcelo Galli: Law is not prepared to face digital crime, says Rogerio Schietti . Conjure 

Marcelo Galli:  Public Ministry can investigate crimes on its own, decides Supreme . Conjure

Marcelo Galli:  Supremo authorizes members of the MP to tap phones and break secrecy . Conjure

Marcelo Galli:  STJ classes differ on the transfer of confidential data by the Revenue Service to the Public Prosecutor’s Office . Conjure

Marcelo Navarro Ribeiro Dantas:  Is the decision that returns the resource to the source to stay it unappealable?  Conjure

Márcio Adriano Anselmo:  The presidency of the inquiry and the request for due diligence . Higher School of Police.

Márcio Adriano Anselmo:  Police infiltration in the fight against crimes of corruption . Conjure

Marcio Adriano Anselmo:  The act of indictment must be duly substantiated . Higher School of Police.

Márcio Adriano Anselmo: It is necessary to discuss the police investigation without prejudice or rancor . Conjure 

Márcio Adriano Anselmo:  Judiciary also plays the role of interpreter of the award-winning collaboration . Conjure

Márcio Adriano Anselmo:  Reflections on criminal (in)action and subsidiary action . Conjure

Marco Antonio de Barros and Marcos Rafael Pereira Piscino:  dna  and its use as evidence in criminal proceedings .

Marco Aurélio Mello:  25 Years of Constitutional Interpretation – a history of the realization of fundamental rights . State.

Marco Aurélio Mello:  Infringing Embargoes are not applicable in the Supreme Court . Conjure

Marco Aurélio Mello:  “ I never exchanged stickers, and I will not.” Interview by Sylvio Costa and Edson Sardinha. The constitutionalists.

Marco Aurélio Mello:  The use of handcuffs and the dignity of the human person .

Marco Aurélio Nunes da Silveira:  The Current Inquisitorial Culture and the Authoritarian Origin of the Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure . .

Marco Aurélio Nunes da Silveira:  The current inquisitorial culture and the authoritarian origin of the Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure.

Marcos de Vasconcellos:  17 MPs intercept calls without police involvement . Conjure

Marcos de Vasconcellos: It’s time to recognize the constitutional value of human rights treaties, says Fachin . Conjure 

Marcus Melo:  STF stress test is unprecedented .  The constitutionalists.

Marcus Vinícius Aguiar Faria: The Complaint for the protection of precedent also in criminal proceedings . Conjure 

Marga Barth Tessler:  Military and the Judiciary .

Marga Barth Tessler:  In Search of Lost Jurisdiction . TRF4 doctrine magazine.

Manuel Monteiro Guedes Valente:  Judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the context of terrorism .

Márcio Thomaz Bastos:  Tribute from the Brazilian Bar Association  – video.

Maria Ivonete Vale Nitão:  The realization of international cooperation in Brazilian criminal law . Law and Freedom.

María Martín:  The lawyer of invisible causes .

Maria Regina Fay de Azambuja:  The questioning of the victim of intrafamilial sexual violence in the light of the best interest of the child .

Mariana Michelotto:  The electronic ankle bracelet as an alternative to the prison system.

Mariana Michelotto:  STF decision should consolidate the use of electronic anklets in Brazil .

Marina Ito. Raúl Zaffaroni, Argentine jurist:  “The function of criminal law is to limit punitive power”. Interview . Conjure

Mario Lima Wu Filho. The essential justice between the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office .  Anadep.

Mário Rui da Rocha Ribeiro Costa:  The reconstitution of the fact in Portuguese criminal procedure . Universities Lusiada.

Marion Bach:  Blank criminal laws and the principle of criminal legality . .

Marisa Alexandra de Brito Gonçalves:  Legal and criminal liability in groups of companies .  Law School. University of Lisbon.

Marlus Arns de Oliveira:  The role of a judge in the award-winning collaboration is not that of a simple homologator .

Marlus Arns de Oliveira:  The role of the lawyer in relation to award-winning collaboration.

Maurício Dieter: On the shoulders of giants — for an always combative criminal law . Conjure 

Miguel Antonio Silveira Ramos:  The electronic judicial process, public policies and technological barriers to the principle of access to justice .  Legal Scope.

Miguel Reale Júnior and Alexandre Wunderlich:  Negotiation justice and the void of the Anticrime Project

Mónica Sousa dos Santos:  Phone tapping of defender and defendant: The epidemic of the silent probe .

Nestor Eduardo Araruna Santiago and Ana Caroline Pinho Duarte:  A concept of reasonable duration of criminal proceedings .

Néviton Guedes:  Freedom and Tolerance for the Ideas We Hate . The constitutionalists.

Néviton Guedes:  The defendant’s right not to be surprised by the prosecution and article 385 of the CPP . Conjure

Néviton Guedes:  The role of the Judiciary as a cause of loss of legitimacy . The constitutionalists.

Ney Bello:  Seniority and merit are complementary criteria for promoting judges . Conjure

Ney Bello:  The Brazilian criminal jurisdiction: proposals for the millennium . Conjure

Ney Bello:  Punishment as a Necessity: The Crossroads of Criminal Jurisdiction . Conjure

Ney Bello:  And the judges left Berlin . The constitutionalists.

Ney Bello:  Incarceration for Small Amounts of Drugs: The Meat of Organized Crime . Conjure

Ney Bello: Lynching of the accused does not contribute to a better country and less corruption . Conjure 

Ney Bello: … Judges and social networks: the inconsistency of the herd!  Conjure

Ney Bello:  When the wolves are many . The constitutionalists.

Ney Bello, Pierpaolo Cruz Bottini and Drauzio Varella:  For a New Drug Law .

Orlando de Almeida Perri:  If there is oral support, the defense always manifests itself in last place . Conjure

Oscar Vilhena Vieira:  From ‘Supremocracy’ to ‘Ministerocracy’ .  The constitutionalists.

Oscar Vilhena Vieira:  Presumption of Innocence .  The constitutionalists.

Oscar Vilhena Vieira:  STF occupied empty space left by Congress .  The constitutionalists.

Patrícia Falcão Gandra:  Countermajoritarian principle and separation of powers in the defense and promotion of fundamental rights . 2017.

Paulo Lopo Saraiva:  The STF and the supremacy of principles . The constitutionalists.

Paulo Sérgio Leite Fernandes:  The Question of Legal Fees –  video.

Paulo Sérgio Leite Fernandes:  Romantic advocacy and the ethical dispute over award-winning collaboration . Conjure

Paulo Sérgio Leite Fernandes:  Delmanto Family Interview  –  video

Paulo Sérgio Leite Fernandes:  Fábio Delmanto went to India and came back. Interview – video.

Paulo Sérgio Leite Fernandes:  Interview with Doctor Luiz Flávio Borges D’Urso – video.

Paulo Sérgio Leite Fernandes:  Delmanto Family Interview  –  video.

Paulo Sérgio Leite Fernandes: Interrogations by videoconference  –  video. 

Paulo Silas Taporosky Filho:  Reflections on §§ 1 and 2 of Article 222 of the Criminal Procedure Code . Emporium of law.

Paulo Vasconcelos Jacobina:  Criminal law of madness: security measure and psychiatric reform .

Pedro Canário:  “ Advocacy has become proletarianized and is no longer the breadbasket of political elites” . Conjure

Pedro Canário:  Spain shows that the walling of courts is a worldwide phenomenon .  The constitutionalists.

Pedro Canário:  Preventing a lawyer from guiding clients is restricting their defense, warn criminal experts . Conjure

Pedro Canário: “STF cannot create interpretive mechanisms and provide a solution outside the law” .

Pedro Lima Marcheri:  Intimacy and precautionary storage of connections in the internet regulatory framework .  Electronic journal of applied social sciences. 

Phelipe France Vieira. Habeas corpus and the recent restrictions of the STJ and STF.  Anadep.

Pierpaolo Cruz Bottini:  Advocacy and Money Laundering .

Pierpaolo Cruz Bottini:  Money laundering: what is the concealment necessary for the crime? Higher School of Police.

Pierpaolo Cruz Bottini:  The Challenges of the National Council of Justice . Crumbs.

Pierpaolo Cruz Bottini:  A New Justice .

Priscilla Caroline Veiga Leal de Mello:  The fight against terrorism and its consequences in guaranteeing human rights .

Rafael de Carvalho Missiunas:  Control of police activity by the Public Ministry . Conjure

Rafael Francisco França:  Recognition as a Criminal Investigation Method: jurisprudential positioning and criticism of the model .

Rafael Sauthier:  Criminal identification and the photo album . .

Raineri Ramos Ramalho de Castro:   The influence of neoconstitutionalism on the jurisprudence of the supreme federal court regarding the rights of freedom .

Raquel Passos Maia:  The legitimacy of constitutional mutation by judicial interpretation .

Raquel Sofia Ramos Monteiro:  The defense of the admissibility of location via the GPS system within the scope of the so-called hidden means of criminal investigation in the framework of Portuguese Criminal Procedure .

Raul Haidar:  There is no justice if the assessment of tax crimes is distorted . Conjure

Raul Haidar:  Crimes against the tax order: tax abuses and fantasies . Conjure

Raul Haidar:  We are still slaves to the tax authorities’ abuses, now watching the Coaf soap opera . Conjure

Raul Haidar:  OAB’s Ethics Court must be independent . Conjure

Raúl Zaffaroni, Argentine jurist:  “The function of criminal law is to limit punitive power”. Interview by Marina Ito.  Conjure

Regina Lúcia Teixeira Mendes da Fonseca:  Dilemmas of the judicial decision. The representations of Brazilian judges on the principle of motivated free conviction . Gama Filho University.

Reinéro Antonio Lérias:  Criminal procedure and human rights under the shackles of our inquisitorial past .

Reis Friede:  Suspicion on grounds of intimate forum in light of the 2015 CPC .

Renata Costa Silva Brandão:  International Criminal Court: a new reality of International Criminal Law to guarantee the security of Human Rights . . 

Renata de Farias Falangola:  International refugee law and the Brazilian and Portuguese legal systems: an analysis of the effectiveness of protection .

Renata Mariz de Oliveira:  Violation of the prerogatives of the criminal lawyer nowadays .

Renata Moura Tupinambá. The pillars of the 1941 Criminal Procedure Code and its incompatibility with the 1988 Federal Constitution . Legal Content.

Renata Moura Tupinambá, Karine Azevedo Egypto Rosa:  The invalidity of article 385 of the Code of Criminal Procedure against the 1988 Constitution . Legal Scope.

Renato Marcão: Judge must act with caution so as not to restrict defense . Conjure 

Renato Marcão:  Presentation/custody hearing (CNJ Resolution 213/2015) . Legal Content.

Renato Marcão:  On the applicability of restrictive precautionary measures (arts: 319 and 320 of the CPP) . Legal Content.

Renato Marcão:  The accusatory system and arts. 212 and 310, II, of the CPP . Legal Content.

Renato Marcao. Criminal Investigation Promoted by the Public Prosecutor’s Office . Legal Content.

Renato Marcão:  Binding Precedent .

Renato Marcão:  Recognition of a Person in Court . Legal Content.

Ricardo Lewandowski:  Custody Hearings of the National Council of Justice — From policy to practice . Conjure

Ricardo Lewandowski: The concept of due process has been forgotten lately . Conjure 

Ricardo Lewandowski:  It is up to the three Powers to effectively curb abuses of authority .  Conjure

Ricardo Lewandowski:  Law as a topic .  The constitutionalists.

Ricardo Lewandowski:  Protagonism of the Judiciary is a passing phenomenon (interview) .

Ricardo Lewandowski:  The International Criminal Court: From a Culture of Impunity to a Culture of Accountability .

Rita Estrela Lemos Carneiro:  Obtaining a minor’s testimony: the challenge of credibility and the issue of protection . 2016.

Rivaldo Pereira Neto:  Unofficial powers in evidentiary matters and the impartiality of the criminal judge .  University of Lisbon

Roberth Alencar :  It is necessary to modernize the police investigation . Criminal Science Channel.

Roberto Delmanto:  The autophagy of the “car wash” operation and its executors . Conjure

Roberto Delmanto:  Human justice, as such, cannot and should not be inhuman . Conjure

Roberto Delmanto:  Criminal Lawyer not to be confused with Your Client . Conjure

Roberto Delmanto:  Punitive system does not combat and generates more criminality . Conjure

Rodrigo Alves Carvalho:  Methodology for interception of encrypted data applied in criminal investigations . University of Brasilia.

Rodrigo de Bittencourt Mudrovitsch and Luiza Rocha Jacobsen. The transfer of criminal proceedings and the consolidation of international cooperation .  Conjure

Rodrigo de Oliveira Kaufmann:  Federal Supreme Court must seek political invisibility .  The constitutionalists.

Rodrigo Mariano Torquato Maia:  Limits and affects to freedom of expression in Brazil and in  Constitutional Portugal.

Rodrigo Pires Ferreira Lago:  Constitutional hermeneutics as an instrument of access to justice . The constitutionalists.

Rogério Alvarez de Oliveira and Wanessa Gonçalves Alvarez:  Current particularities of bank secrecy breaches . Conjure

Rogério Barbosa:  Judges question preventive detention decreed ex officio . Conjure

Rogério de Campos:  Lula is in prison, Voltaire is dead. Assholes

Rogério dos Reis Devisate. Advocacy, Advocacy and MP are different .  Anadep.

Rogério Pacheco Alves:  The General Power of Caution in Criminal Procedure.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  The performance of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the judgment of appeals in the face of Law n. 9,099/95 . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  The effectiveness of the process in the face of notice citations . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  The Unavailability of Criminal Action (Previous Approach and Faced with Law 9099/95) . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  The prohibition of double criminal prosecution and the pro societate criminal review . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Punishment in Imperial Brazil . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Criminal Procedural Subsidiarity and Alternatives to Precautionary Prison . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  The procedural truth in Ferrajoli .

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Precautionary measures in the design of the new CPP . Senate

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Processing of Criminal Appeals in the face of the Principles of Contradictory and Isonomy . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Brief Analysis of Law 9.296/96 . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Speed-quality: a possible binomial . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  With the word, the parts . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Between the right to double degree and the effectiveness of criminal jurisdiction .  Forensic Charter.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Opinion of the Public Prosecutor’s Office on Isonomy and Adversary . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Advertising and Confidentiality in Modern Criminal Procedure . Metajus.

Rogerio Schietti Cruz:  Sixty days in temporary prison. It’s reasonable?  Metajus.

Rogério Tadeu Romano:  On expert evidence .

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  The Supervised Criminal Investigation: the STJ decides against the understanding of the STF .

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  The new criminal identification law . Crumbs.

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  The regulation of the use of handcuffs in penal execution .

Romulo de Andrade Moreira. Criminal procedural reforms in Latin America – the vision of Alberto Binder . Crumbs. 

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  The theses prevailing in the Superior Court of Justice on the (non) appropriateness of Habeas Corpus . Legal Content.

Romulo de Andrade Moreir a:  Analogy cannot be used in situations that may harm the defendant . Conjure

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  Brief outline regarding the non-existence of a general theory of the process .

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  Interview with Rômulo de Andrade Moreira: By Rodrigo Daniel  Silva . Conjure

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  Interrogation is not the most appropriate act to test technology . Conjure

Romulo de Andrade Moreira. In the country of resolutions and statements, who needs a law ?  Justifying. 

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira: New Uruguayan CPP changed from inquisitorial to accusatory system . Conjure 

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  New Uruguayan CPP changed from inquisitorial to accusatory system . Conjure

Romulo de Andrade Moreira. The role of the MP in the adversarial system – A view from the Chilean experience . Jusbrasil.

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  What we have to learn from Uruguay’s criminal procedural system . Conjure

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  The arrested defendant and his attendance at the instruction hearing . Legal Content.

Rômulo de  Andrade Moreira:  Lawyers and secrecy in the preliminary investigation . Legal Content.

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira: Prosecutors cannot contribute to the unjust conviction of someone . Conjure 

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  Who investigates who has prerogative of function?  Legal Scope.

Rômulo de Andrade Moreira:  STJ decides against the understanding of the STF on ‘supervised’ investigation . Conjure

Ronaldo José Guerra:  Fundamental rights and execution of custodial sentence .

Rosa Weber:  Democracy is a constant exercise in dialogue and tolerance . The constitutionalists.

Ruchester Marreiros Barbosa: Coercive conduct may be necessary for the effectiveness of the investigation . Conjure 

Ruchester Marreiros Barbosa:  The materially constitutional and jurisdictional role of the police chief in the light of human rights treaties and documents .

Ruchester Marreiros  Barbosa:  A natural delegate is the basic principle of proper criminal investigation . Higher School of Police.

Ruchester Marreiros Barbosa:  Delegate can and should assess the conventionality of laws .

Ruchester Marreiros Barbosa:  Understand the difference between investigative police and judicial police . Criminal Science Channel.

Ruchester Marreiros Barbosa:  The criminal investigation of guarantees, secrecy and the investigated person’s right to information .

Rui Aido:  Deliberate Blindness .  Law School. University of Lisbon.

Salise Monteiro Sanchotene:  Common Aspects Between the Crime Practiced by Militias in Brazil and the Mafioso Type in Italy . TRF4 doctrine magazine.

Samuel Gonçalves de Oliveira:  Analogy in malam  partem in Criminal Procedure: analysis in the doctrine and jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice . Legal Content.

Sandra Hermengarda do Valle-Frias Madureira Moutela Simões:  Crime of Corruption – some specificities of her investigation – Anonymous Complaint and Whistleblowing .

Sara Cristina Escalhão Gomes: The Protection of Street Children in International Law

Sérgio Henriques Zandona Freitas, Gristianne Pimenta Reis, Laura Nery Campos Rodrigues, Mariana Silva Bastos de Sena, Matheus de Araújo Alves and Sofia Moreira Martins: Interpol  and the fight against transnational crimes .

Sérgio Rodas:  Celso de Mello has faced authoritarianism since he was a prosecutor during the dictatorship . Conjure

Sérgio Rodas:  The Army wants the Military Court to judge intentional crimes against civilians . Conjure

Sergio Seabra. From the boundary between the concept of “good of small value” and “good of insignificant value”, to the application of the trifle principle .  Anadep.

Sílvio César Arouck Gemaque:  The necessary influence of international criminal procedure on Brazilian criminal procedure .

Tadeu Rover: Retirement cannot be revoked by conviction in Criminal Action . Conjure 

Tadeu Rover: “Internet facilitates crimes and makes investigation difficult, encouraging impunity” . Conjure 

Taís Schilling Ferraz: The importance of working with facts and projecting consequences . Conjure 

Taís Schilling Ferraz:  Engineering by competences: an important reference in the training of magistrates .

Tania Nigri: Public funds are not protected by bank secrecy . Conjure 

Tarcisio Teixeira, Paulo Henrique Sabo, and Isabela Cristina Sabo: Whatsapp and peer-to-peer encryption: legal trends and the conflict between privacy vs. public interest . Rev. Fac. UFMG Law.

Tatiane Imai Zanardi:  Defensive criminal investigation: a practice to be disseminated . FAE University Center.

Técio Lins e Silva: Interview. “Even without evidence, accused of trafficking and theft already begins the condemned process” By Sérgio Rodas. Conjure

Técio Lins e Silva. Lecture:  “I cannot live with this category of whistle blowing lawyers” – video.

Thais Lima:  The miseries of the Federal Supreme Court . The constitutionalists.

Thiago Augusto Rosa da Silva:  The international context of the crime of money laundering and stricto sensu legal cooperation between nations .

Thiago Bottino:  Enlightenment avant-garde or moralist crusade .  The constitutionalists.

Thiago Cabral:  The roots of authoritarianism in the 1941 Criminal Procedure Code . Criminal Science Channel.

Thiago Guimarães Tannuri Ferreira Lima Falcão:  The excessive extension of time for the conclusion and consequent completion of the investigations and the possibility of filing a habeas corpus to suspend the police investigation . Crumbs.

Thiago Piloni. Rethinking appeals against the merits of jury board decisions .  Anadep.

Tiago Gregório de Vieira Santos:  The ample defense and the contradictory applied to the police investigation .

Uadi Lammêgo Bulos:  Free Persuasion of the Judge and the Constitutional Guarantees of Criminal Procedure .

Valber Melo, Artur Barros Freitas Osti and Filipe Maia Broeto Nunes. Domain theory of command position is distortion of the domain of fact . Conjure

Valter Parr Corrêa:  Corporal interventions in criminal proceedings and criminal identification through genetic profiling . 2017

Valdinei Cordeiro Coimbra:  The certificates or attestations of criminal records issued by the Police and Courts and the amendment of the sole paragraph of art. 20 of CP . Legal Content.

Valdinei Cordeiro Coimbra:  Custody Hearing from the perspective of the Unconstitutional State of Things in the Brazilian Penitentiary System . Legal Content.

Valdinei Cordeiro Coimbra:  Understand what PEC 37 is (impunity or legality of investigations?)  . Legal Content.

Vinicius Gomes de Vasconcellos:  Bargaining and negotiating criminal justice: analysis of trends in the expansion of consensus spaces in the Brazilian criminal procedure .

Vladimir Aras:  The Phantom Norm of Article 47 of the Mérida Convention .

Vladimir Aras:  International Criminal Cooperation .

Vladimir Aras. Computer crimes .

Vladimir Aras, from the MPF:  “Award-winning collaboration is important to break the Mafia silence pact”.  Interview by Rodrigo Daniel Silva. Conjure

Vladimir Aras:  Federalization of crimes against human rights .

Vladimir Aras. Money laundering, criminal organizations and the concept of the Palermo Convention .

Vladimir Aras:  Obtaining special jurisdiction and administrative impropriety .

Vladimir Aras:  The Special Forum for Public Prosecutors . Blogdovladimir.

Vladimir Aras:  The teleinterrogation in Brazil .

Vladimir Aras. Principles of Criminal Procedure .

Vladimir Aras. National anti-money laundering and asset recovery system .

Vladimir Aras. Criminal transaction in the Special Criminal Courts .

Vladimir Aras:  Videoconferencing in Criminal Procedure .

Vladimir Passos de Freitas:  The controversial live transmission of court trials . Conjure

Vladimir Passos de Freitas:  The victim of crime is abandoned by the justice system . Conjure

Vladimir Passos de Freitas:  From the anklet to the chip, electronics advances in the execution of the penalty . Conjure

Vladimir Passos de Freitas: History of the Brazilian Judiciary needs to be better known . Conjure

Vladimir Passos de Freitas: The judge between the rigors of the profession and freedom of expression . Conjure 

Vladimir Passos de Freitas:  The principle of the natural judge in a changing world . Conjure

Vladimir Passos de Freitas: The judicial system in India, a mysterious and fascinating country . Conjure 

Vladimir Passos de Freitas: We need to take a step forward with custody hearings . Conjure 

Vladimir Passos de Freitas: House arrest of a minor’s mother requires common sense . Conjure

Vinicius Gomes de Vasconcellos:  Bargaining and negotiating criminal justice: analysis of trends in the expansion of consensus spaces in the Brazilian criminal process .

Wilson Mendonça Alves and Marcelo Fernando Quiroga Obregon: International cooperation agreements in the fight against corruption within the scope of the Lava Jato operation . Legal Scope. 


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ALSINA, Hugo. Theoretical-practical treatise on civil and commercial procedural law. Buenos Aires: Argentine Company, 1941.

AZEVEDO, Plauto Faraco de. Limits and justification of state power. Petropolis: Voices, 1979.

BADARÓ, Gustavo Henrique. Criminal Procedural Law. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2007.

BADARÓ, Gustavo Henrique Righi Ivahy. Criminal proceedings. 4th ed. São Paulo: RT, 2016.

BARROSO, Luiz Roberto. Course in Contemporary Constitutional Law. 4th ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2013.

BAPTISTA, Nile. critical introduction to the Brazilian criminal law. 12. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 2011.

BECCARIA, Cesare. Of crimes and penalties. 2 ed. Sao Paulo: Athena, sd

BONFIM, Edilson Mougenot. Annotated Criminal Procedure Code. 4th. ed. Editora Saraiva: 2012.

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BOSCHI, Jose Antonio Paganella. Criminal action: complaint, complaint and amendment. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro: AIDE, 2002.

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BRUNO, Anibal. Criminal Law. 3. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 1978.

CAPEZ, Fernando. Criminal law course. 3rd ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2008.

CAPEZ, Fernando; PRADO, Estela. Penal Code Commented. 2nd Ed. Porto Alegre: Verbo Jurídico, 2008.

CARNELUTTI, Francesco. The Miseries of Criminal Procedure. So Paulo: Pillars, 2006.

CARNELUTTI, Francisco. Civil procedural law system. Buenos Aires: Uteha, 1944.

CARNELUTTI, Francisco. Studies of procedural law. Buenos Aires: Europa-America Legal Editions. 1952.

CASTILLO, Niceto Alcala-Zamora; LEVENE SON, Ricardo. Criminal Procedural Law. Buenos Aires: Guillermo Kraft, sd

CHIOVENDA, Giuseppe. Civil procedural law institutions. 3 ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1969.

CINTRA, Antonio Carlos de Araújo; GRINOVER, Ada Pellegrini and DENAMARCO, Candido. General theory of the process. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 1976.

COUTURE, Edward. Fundamentals of civil procedural law. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1946.

COUTURE, Edward. Interpretation of procedural laws. São Paulo: Max Limonad, 1956.

COUTURE, Edward. Introduction to the study of civil procedure. Rio de Janeiro: José Konfino, 1951.

CRETELLA JUNIOR, J. Course in Roman Law. 5. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 1973.

CRETELLA JUNIOR, José. Elements of Constitutional Law. 4th ed. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2000.

CUNHA, Mauro; SILVA, Roberto Geraldo Coelho. Guide for studying the general theory of the process. Porto Alegre: Sagra, 1984.

DELMANTO, Celso. Annotated Penal Code. 4 ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1983.

DELMANTO, Celso. Penal Code Commented. 9th. ed., Editora Saraiva: 2016.

DELMANTO JUNIOR, Roberto. Types of provisional arrest and duration. 2nd ed. Rio de Janeiro: Renew, 2001.

DELMANTO JUNIOR, Roberto. Inactivity in the Brazilian Criminal Procedure. Journal of the Courts: 2004.

DEMERCIAN, Pedro Henrique; MALULY, Jorge Assaf. Criminal procedure course. 4 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 2009.

ESPINOLA FILHO, Eduardo. Annotated Brazilian criminal procedure code. 5. ed. Rio de Janeiro: 1976.

FERNANDES, Antonio Scarance. Constitutional Criminal Procedure. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 1999.

FERRAJOLI, Luigi. Law and Reason. Criminal Guarantee Theory. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2002.

FERRARA, Francesco. Interpretation and application of laws. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1934.

FLORIAN, Eugene. Elements of criminal procedural law. Barcelona: Bosch, 1993.

FRAGOSO, Heleno Cláudio, Comments on the Penal Code. 5 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 1977.

FRAGOSO, Heleno Claudio. Criminal law lessons. 3rd ed. São Paulo: José Bushatsky, 1978.

FREITAS, Jayme Walmer de and SILVA, Marco Antonio Marques da. Code of Criminal Procedure Commented. Editora Saraiva: 2012

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GIACOMOLLI, Nereu José. Due criminal procedure. São Paulo: Atlas, 2016.

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